Customer Testimonials

At Bidvest Insurance we appreciate every customers feedback, both as compliments and as opportunities for improvement.

Here are just a few stories submitted by our customers, which show you the value we’re delivering on a daily basis.

Have a story of your own to share? Click here to email us the details.

Any endorsement provided on this page does not constitute financial advice.

Scratch and Dent

“My car was parked in a public car park when the car door next to mine was opened and bumped into my door. Whilst the dent was small, it was in my face every day. I was over the moon knowing that I had the means to get the dents repaired. If I didn’t have the policy, the chances are that the dents would have remained. I would absolutely, without a doubt recommend Bidvest’s Scratch and Dent insurance, the best R100 I could spend. I went and picked up my car yesterday and it was looking as good as when I took delivery, and once again, I am so very glad that I took the Bidvest Scratch and Dent policy.“

Lz Hopkins

Mechanical Warranty

“Bidvest Insurance really helped me on my motor warranty…My car was over heating and needed a replacement of the thermostat and the water-pump AND the wheel bearings were worn out. All of this was going to cost OVER R34 000! Luckily I had a Warranty with Bidvest Insurance and all those items were covered in full. I would definitely recommend Bidvest Insurance to my friends and family, as I know they are reliable…VIVA BIDVEST VIVA!”

Mr Serumula

Shortfall Protection

“I was travelling home from my parent’s house one evening when a car on the opposite side of the road suddenly swerved into my lane and we had a head-on collision! Luckily no one was injured, but my car was a write-off, I’d only had it a year! After my insurance payout, there was still an outstanding amount of R26,500 that had to be paid, I panicked – I didn’t have that sort of cash old lying around! But after chatting to Bidvest Insurance about my shortfall policy I had luckily taken out, the whole amount was covered so I didn’t have to pay a thing! Thank you Bidvest Insurance, I’m now back on the road.”

Mr Moodley

Shortfall Protection

“My wife was driving home from work when someone skipped a stop street and crashed right into her! Luckily she was not badly hurt, but the airbags deployed and the front of the car was very badly damaged. The car was a write-off, which was devastating for me as we had only bought the car 6 months ago. I was so happy when I realized that my shortfall policy would cover all the costs, I was a bit resistant when taking out the policy, but now that I have seen the value of a shortfall policy I am so happy that I made the right decision, I will definitely recommend this product going forward, especially when financing a car.”

Mr J Ndlozi

Mechanical Warranty

“My gears began making a loud noise and banging into place, I also then noticed that the vehicle could not go into reverse! The worst feeling, other than the fact that my car was damaged, was the thought of how much this was going to cost me. I took it straight to the dealership where they told me the mechatronics were faulty and needed to be replaced. I definitely found my Bidvest Insurance Warranty to be of value as the premium was nearly a fifth of what the repair cost was!”

Dr B Baholo

Mechanical Warranty

“I noticed that my vehicle was leaking, I opened the bonnet and immediately knew I had to go back to the dealership for advice. Initially, I was quite anxious as I knew this would be expensive and didn’t like the idea that my car was damaged. It was found that the coolant was leaking and running through the wiring system causing the faults so the water pump and thermostat had to be replaced. But I was very happy when told that the costs would be covered, this was a big saving for me! Based on my experience with this product I will definitely tell everyone that the Bidvest Insurance warranty is very good, it has helped me plenty.”

Mr Kekana

Tyre Angel

“Mr Mbonani was travelling on the R568 towards Kameelpoort in very heavy rain when the incident happened and gave him a jolt! He wasn’t sure what he had hit due to the heavy rain, but after assessing the damage to the two left-hand side tyres, he realised he must have hit a dreaded hidden pothole. “I knew I had damaged my tyres but I wasn’t too worried because I remembered I had taken out a tyre policy and felt very relieved in this knowledge. I would definitely recommend this product as I feel it was good value for money.”

Mr S Mbonani